January Director's Note

January 15, 2019

Looking forward in 2019, the IPAI will begin to implement some changes designed to better serve you, our students. One of those changes is our monthly newsletter. As you scroll down, you will see it now contains a monthly guest column highlighting issues important to you, links to assessment news from around Illinois, and images highlighting key information from the IPAI.

More details will be released in the future, but here are a few more things we have coming down the pike:

  • A New Website
    We are working on a new website that will be easier to navigate and be structured to get you the information you need with a minimum number of clicks.
  • A New Registration and Transcript System
    You told us that you wanted a system that was easier to use and did common sense things like automatically load classes you take from the IPAI into your student transcript. To that end, staff has been working for the last few months to identify a better system for both conference registrations and student records. We hope to have an announcement in the first quarter of the year.
  • A More Robust Spring Conference
    The Spring Conference (formally the March Workshop) is the largest annual gathering of assessors in Illinois. We want this event to be more than an opportunity to take classes. The IPAI wants to provide a fun experience with networking opportunities and group outings. A special e-note about the Spring Conference will be sent later this month.

If you have any questions about these updates or coming changes, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Happy New Year!

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