CIAO Association About

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About the Association


The CIAO Association was founded to help promote and encourage educational training for assessment personnel, to recommend legislation to members of the General Assembly relative to assessment practices, and to provide social functions for members of the association.

Anyone with a CIAO designation is welcome to join. The CIAO Association is made up of assessing officials from all areas of practice, including county officials, township officials, board of review members, and others who hold a CIAO designation. The CIAO Association partners with, but is independent from, the Illinois Property Assessment Institute.



2024 Association Officers

Officers are elected at our annual meeting.


Chairwoman, Chesney M. Leafblad
Warren Township (Lake County) Chief Deputy Assessor

Vice Chairman, Dick Whitfield
Fox Township (Kendall County) Assessor

Financial Secretary, Debra Lane
Meriden, Ophir & Troy Grove MTAD (LaSalle County) Assessor

Secretary, Sheila Schnepper
Edwards County Supervisor of Assessments

Member at Large, Riley Kananaugh
Blackberry Township Contracted Assessor

Member at Large, Timothy Jorczak
McLean County Supervisor of Assessments

Advisory Member, Josh Barnett
IPAI Executive Director

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