Board of Review Training

IDOR/IPAI Board of Review Training
Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Holiday Inn, East Peoria

The Illinois Property Assessment Institute and the Illinois Department of Revenue are partnering to hold a training for Board of Review (BOR) members and clerks. This is the first in a series of BOR trainings that will be held in 2025.

Topics covered include general updates from IDOR as well as a review of BOR requirements, a presentation on BOR rules and best practices, an overview of resources, training materials, and courses available to new and current BOR members, and a time for Q&A with our panel of subject matter experts.

Presenters include:

  • Mark D. Armstrong, Kane County Supervisor of Assessments
  • Adrianne Suits Bailey, IDOR Property Tax Division Manager
  • Amanda Padgitt, IPAI Learning Program Manager
  • Brian Replogle, IDOR Property Tax Division Special Services and Education Coordinator



Pre-registration required, no cost to attend. Please register using the link below.
Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 3.

BOR Training Registration



No continuing education hours will be awarded for this training.



Holiday Inn & Suites
101 Holiday St, East Peoria, IL 61611


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