CIAO Candidates Who Began the Process Prior to 2018 Have Until December 2021 to Finish

May 19, 2021

At their most recent meeting, the IPAI Board of Directors voted to mandate anyone who began the process to obtain their CIAO before January 1, 2018, must complete all required courses by December 15, 2021.

In 2018, the IPAI launched a new series of qualifying core courses needed to obtain the CIAO designation. This new series included major rewrites to “Introduction to Assessment in Illinois,” “Basics of Mass Appraisal,” and “Property Valuation.” It also introduced a new required core course, “Ethics for New Assessment Professionals.”

At that time, the IPAI Board of Directors also put in place a rule that all courses needed to obtain a CIAO (the four core courses and two elective courses) must be completed within four years. CIAO Candidates who began the process of obtaining their CIAO before January 1, 2018 (before the four-year requirement was put in place) were grandfathered in.

“With the addition of the new ethics course and revamp of our other ‘core’ courses, IPAI leadership felt those who began before 2018 could benefit from additional time,” said Josh Barnett, Executive Director. “However, at this point those individuals have had five plus years to finish their required courses. We feel the time is appropriate to set a deadline and get them done.”

CIAO Candidates who began to take courses after January 1, 2018, still have four years to complete all six courses.


Obtaining a CIAO

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