Shannon Harman Joins IPAI Team

May 17, 2021

Shannon Harman has joined the IPAI staff as our new Editorial Coordinator. This role is a summer internship.

Shannon is a technical writer and editor with experience in process documentation, developmental editing, proofreading, and document design. She has a master’s degree in English Studies from Illinois State University and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition, focusing her research on cross-cultural technical communication. Her previous work experience includes serving as an associate editor for multiple academic journals, teaching at Illinois State and Lincoln College, and working at the Normal Public Library.

In her role with the IPAI, Shannon will work closely with Amanda Padgitt, our Learning Program Manager. Much of her work will focus on developing a comprehensive style guide for IPAI course books, reviewing, and standardizing current IPAI course materials.

When Shannon has a rare free moment that she’s not working on her dissertation, she likes to go to the gym, read a good YA fantasy novel, or hangout with her dog and two cats. She will be with the IPAI through July.

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