2022 Planning Survey

August 18, 2021

December 15, 2022 is the due date for continuing education hours in Cycle 3. Right now, less than 20% of CIAOs have fully completed these requirements. So, we all have a lot of planning to do for next year!
Our annual planning survey is the most important tool we use to determine our yearly schedule. We use this data to determine which courses to offer at our conferences and workshops across the state. Or, if you’d rather take online courses, use this survey to communicate that as we continue exploring how to best serve our CIAOs in this capacity. For the best chance to have access to the class(es) you want to take next year, be sure your voice is heard!
As a bonus, we will include everyone who fills out this survey into a drawing to win a free course next year! So don’t wait—fill out the survey today!


2022 Planning Survey

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